please don't pray for me

please don't pray for me
i assure you i'm not dead
i'm still intact with my beliefs
and my god's not the same as yours

please don't offer any more
prayers every time you think i'm "not right"
in your words you say it's all right
then you add "i'll pray for you."
please don't pray for me.

it's not a line that will ever bring peace
it's not something to your neighbors you'd say
("move your fucking trashcan from my drive way!!")
"i'll pray for you."

please don't pray for me
don't give me enlightenment in my darkness
don't touch me in anyway - sometimes refrain is all a human being asks
just refrain from your prayers.
from your sense of righteousness
from your assumptions that i'm a mess
your judgment that i need a friend.
i don't need a friend.

please don't pray for me
please don't talk to me
please don't reach out to me
i'm just fine as is
all i need is to say my piece
and feel accepted when the world refrains.
